📣 We are so happy to receive our 3rd machine and we are ramping up!

⏱️ Jimp on this opportunity to know more about your challenging sample and participate in our #betatest program!

💡It’s free and win-win💡. You discover powerful technology, we understand better your science!

🧬 Taylorsizer is a state-of-the-art, compact, automated biophysical characterization analyzer using #TaylorDispersionAnalysis that provides molecular size distribution, viscosity and stability of species <50 nm.

🔬 Our high-precision technology will allow you to obtain a real-size distribution of your #Nanoobjects #Nanoparticles!

Voici les intervenants qui vous présenteront leurs dernières avancées sur la TDA sont des chercheurs européens et des industriels travaillant.