Legal notices – Privacy policy



Administrative notices

The website is the property of SASU Nanoscale Metrix with capital of €340,000.

Company Name: Nanoscale Metrix
Head office: 53 Route de Lavaur 31 240 L’union
Registration number: 91883749300025 at the RCS of Toulouse
VAT number
Publication manager and Webmaster: Cédric Sarazin –
Host: Gandi 63-65 Bd Masséna, 75013 Paris

Notices relating to the use of cookies

In order to offer you the best browsing experience on this site and analyze traffic, we use cookies.

A banner displayed at the bottom of the page has two buttons allowing you to make your choice to accept or refuse cookies: “Accept” and “Refuse”.

Notices relating to the use of personal data

We record your contact details (last name, first name, email and company) when you provide them to us to download our contents or when you contact us with form-based.

You can request to be removed from our database by sending an email to

You need a deeper look at the size distribution of your sample?

Our team will enjoy to answer your questions

15 + 5 =

We will respond as quickly as possible

Nanoscale Metrix


Espace Le Calys – 53 route de Lavaur
31240 L’UNION – France
Ph : +33(0)5 62 25 24 00 

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