Explore size distribution and stability of your samples with Taylor Dispersion Analysis!
Enjoy the TDA challenge!
Compare your DLS results with the TDA method on one or two samples for which you would like a better resolution!
The Taylorsizer is a state-of-the-art, compact, automated biophysical characterization analyzer using Taylor dispersion analysis that provides molecular size distribution, viscosity and stability of species <50 nm.
Our high-precision technology will allow you to obtain a real-size distribution of your Ultrasmall Nanoobjects Nanoparticles!

We will analyze one or two samples for free
We look forward to demonstrating the great power of TDA that combines the sensitivity and resolution of electron microscopy (EM) with the simplicity and speed of DLS.
Before sending us your sample(s), please complete this form and we will send you the procedure and a schedule.
It’s free and win-win. You discover powerful technology, we discover your science!
We will respond as quickly as possible